Thursday, 21 June 2012

Gym Training

Really happy with new programme, did a good session in the gym today. Getting stronger too, Halo can do 10 at 10 now 5 at 15. Chester press 10 reps at 5, first time good. It was mainly an upper body day with core thrown in, followed my programme. What I am doing makes more sence at the moment.  

Versa was good too, most of been on form or just ready and rested.

Diet is going well still too, I was watching yesterday on the news of how a very lovely girl killed herself because of weight, starving herself to be slim and then hung herself. This was followed by a special report on another channel of children dying from starvation, they have no food.

Its sad and yet at two ends of the perspectrum we have people dieing over food, one side we have food but media and our own lifestyles, other people expectations of us, can make us go to extremes to be slim. The other they just do not have the food.    

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