Monday, 25 June 2012

Gym training

Saturday was a good day for training, my new programme is doing well, and I am certainly feeling the stronger upper body. But I had to laugh going in to that male ish part of the gym I struggled to take the safety ends off the weights, well the damsel was rescued, and the man took the ends of the safety catches off. I guess I failed at the first hurdle so too speak. But still managed to get 10 reps out on 20 or 30 what ever the weight is now, Mr PT knows.

Well he did I finished PTs well handed my paperwork in yesterday he has done a good job, I lost the weight, ran some marathons inclusding a full, but now the time has come due to my busy scedule spelt that wrong to go it a lone. I am a big girl now in terms of the gym, well not but I have learnt and I am sure I will be fine. He will I hope be pleased at his first scuccess and prode that I am going it alone, well at least trying.

Diet is doing fine and I am sure I will do this too.

No training today and tomorrow busy.

Background to sea gulls

The Blue Dolphin

The start of a new idea the story of a Blue Dophin. The start the bad white cat sits on the lawn waiting. 

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Gym Training

Really happy with new programme, did a good session in the gym today. Getting stronger too, Halo can do 10 at 10 now 5 at 15. Chester press 10 reps at 5, first time good. It was mainly an upper body day with core thrown in, followed my programme. What I am doing makes more sence at the moment.  

Versa was good too, most of been on form or just ready and rested.

Diet is going well still too, I was watching yesterday on the news of how a very lovely girl killed herself because of weight, starving herself to be slim and then hung herself. This was followed by a special report on another channel of children dying from starvation, they have no food.

Its sad and yet at two ends of the perspectrum we have people dieing over food, one side we have food but media and our own lifestyles, other people expectations of us, can make us go to extremes to be slim. The other they just do not have the food.    

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Diet but no gym rest day.

No Gym today, diet going well. I think if you build the diet in to your life style and your pocket ie foods you can afford you will do this. For the most part I find that fruit and veg and chicken drumsticks are not expensive at all and therefore one can do this.

I think that when we get a diet from any source we need to look at how we can really do this with out it being a five minute wonder, which can be the case in most diets. My steady success has been in the changes that have been made over the year and a half I have trained with Steve, from not eating at all , drinking loads of coffee and even writing one day I have just eaten popcorn at the pictures to now eating eggs and tomatoes fruit for breakfast, a snack of fruit, chicken salad for lunch, carrott and cucmber sticks for afternoon and a dinner with veg. Not bad really, still have the odd ice cream here and there.  

WDCS - Dolphin Final

With final admendments, done for the WDCS on pollution in our seas. I have learnt a lot during this project, not just on animation but on the pollution that goes on in our seas. For each project like this a lot of research has to be done. All so the WDCS worked with me and helped with great. I owe them a great big thank you.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Gym Training

The weekend saw a day of core and a day of lower body, my ankle is slowly getting better and so I introduced the lower body work and some versa. Versa I was slower due to the ankle but that I guess is only to be expected. The advice of my trainer saw me able to do more exercises than I would of, reducing the weight on the leg press, I was able to do this with out any problems when I would not of tried. It was funny I had a laugh as my freind who is a long time exerciser tried to teach me to do a plank on a ball, the ball kept rolling away and we kept laughing, well exercise is soooo serious, no it should be fun, but we did get some looks.

Yesterday was rest and today was a new programme and clirfication of what I am doing in the gym, as I said before my motivation has hit an all time low. I have lost the weight, yes I size 30 to a size 12 to 14 depending on where you shop. A lady stopped me in the streets on Friday she goes to the DL she told me that she had been watching my trainer working with me, you are half the woman your where when you started, you have both done so well.  Its funny you think no body notices , you are in your own little bubble, but so many people are watching.

So where are we going, well not long marathons that is over,  I do not think my ankle would take it. Leaner and fitter yes, and when the rest of my life is like a leaking boat I plog one hole and another leaks, everything up in the air, battling to get my animation business off the ground, trying to find a job so I can look after my daughter, this is the one thing that is stable. I have a new programme and can not wait to get started, once I have started I think I will be ok, I am on my way. It relates to what he is doing with me.

Diet well other than on Saturday I ate ice cream that is going ok. I guess you have to slip here and there we are only human. But now I have the fruit, chiken, veg in place and even the carrot, the answer I cook them and eat them the following day. Sorry can not do raw. Cumcumber too are ok.

Fairy at the bottom of the garden

As I work on this idea, it comes from a book and old film fairies at the bottom of my garden idea.  This is just the Purple fairy moving to meet her friends, working on her flying and wings. the work

Development of the The Mirror Sitting

As the girls hair grows as time moves on, we see more development of the young girls life, this time she dances.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Gym Training

Again its been a week since I last posted, its difficult with the ankle injury and of course no longer entering any runs, I have little or no motivation, I am keeping on going, I ve done my own programmes but this does not really help, I wish deep in my heart that my trainer would do me a new hard programe based on what we talked about on Thursday just to give me that motivation push and freshen things up. I have lost the weight and run the marathon, may be I should climb the moutain, I am an out door girl and I used to climb. I love the out dors and the wildlife.

I am geting to the point now that I can do by myself and understand what I am doing, as my PT car broke down on Tuesday I felt quite prode of myself at being able to put and do an upper body programme all by myself and then for him to say good that is all I would of done, not sure if he was just being nice. But on thinking about it really I have learnt under his training therefore I am highly likely to put together his routes.

Thursday PT was good, hard as my arms where already tierd from the Tuesday session, it was very intensive on the upper body and today my shoulder ache a bit. But it was a good session he is a very good trainer. Spin today was good but I felt so unfit, I struggled its amazing how fast your fittnes level drops. But the ankle held and felt better and tomorrow I am going to introduce Versa in to my programme of core.  See I am doing all my own training. Do I need a PT, this question was put to me by another PT, there seems to be quite a bit of , not sure what I am trying to say here, but some how I seem to of got involved in it with out really knowing and I thinking may be if I drop PT they will leave me alone.   I just want to go to the gym and train and get what I can out of it.


Water Hole stalking horses

So the dance eson the Elehant, lion and zebra all make there way to the water hole

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

3 new images

Fairies in my garden

Girlk and a blue dolphin

the Mirror sitting

Monday, 11 June 2012

Gym training

Well today I did not want to train, is hard when you have no goal, or what seems to be no goal, I do not fully understand what my trainer is talking about when he says we are working fo tone, strength, what ever.
My diet is going well I am plodding on with this carrott stick. No wonder we all give up , a carrott stick is so uninspiring. I keep looking at my rabbitt who eyes my carrot with hungry eyes and say Oh Bradley how could you. I guess I will never be a rabbit.

I worked core, it was humid in the gym so this was made harder, Still managed to do a bit, a long with talking. Had some interest ideas on the reason we women do not eat during the day, take the kids to school, than busy rushing around all day, we see the clock hits 1 and realise we will picking up the kids and then its tea time and we are doing the family meal so now surrounded by cooking food we start to eat, because oh boy we are hungery.

Other ideas the calorie count we are doing so well storing up our calories during the day so we can go mad at night. These are just a few thoughs my friends have come up with, but mostly we all just do it but when we think about it we do not know really why and we know its not right.

Well I do not do it now have not since I started training with Mr PT, he has done well when I think about it how he has managed to re educate me, slowly over time to change my eating habits.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Final post on marathon training

Yesterday I had phsio on my ankle it is my achillies tendon that has gone again, it is quite bad. I seem to have developed a weakness here. with personal issues I have decided that I will not be running any marathons this year. I want to concentrate on getting my ankle better and gaining full health and fitness.

Also I need to concentrate on gettuing a job and getting my animation business off the ground. I hope that I may still do the animation video for Rainbows, I would like dearly to help gain them promotion for the work they do, as it is very much needed, but running I do not think I can do .

Yesterday I worked with Mr PT on upper body strength, I know the importance of this I can feel it, its funny how as women we tend only to do lower body training, but upper body is equally important.
Diet too I am focus on getting this right and making the small but needed improvments, I do feel better for it, I have cut back on the fruit and started eating more veg. I was talking to my physio about the idea that so many women have of not eating duing the day at all, where it came from I can not remember any one ever saying do not eat to lose weight, it just came but where from. It does not work so why do we do it.  It was quite a deep conversation. But neither of us had an answer.

Eating raw carrott yek, I have to say I did not really get to grips with this, who would be a rabbit, I ended up cooking it and eating it that way. I do enjoy the natural yougert thought this is good. 

Friday, 8 June 2012

Marathon training

My ankle has gone yet again, this is not a good year for me, first my tendon in Jan, than my hamstring, now my ankle again.

Yesterday I spoke with trainer, so we are back again to training in the gym, I do not mind, its pouring with rain the weather is awful so its nice to get back in to the gym.

Yesterday as my ankle was very sore and I was limping around, we talked diet, I was saying that it is so much easier to develop and change the diet the way we have, slowly and natural making small changes here and there, so I can stick to it because I can and it is with in food budget. Now we have added more small changes to what I eat, targetting the in between foods such as celery, strawberries, natural yougerts etc. 

No one ever lost weight by not eating I have heard so many mothers in the school playground saying they do not eat all day but then at night. I have found what I am doing is better and I feel better, the idea that you will gain weight by eating is some how a commom theme among us, and yet if you really eat the right foods you will not gain weight.

I am resting my ankle today and concentrating on trying to find work.

Fashion illustration



In  the eyes

Jadorie - Perfumne

Nature and woman


Water colour and chalk

The old man , reminds me of a sea faring, done in water colour and chalk

The dog watercolor and chalk

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Turtle animation - start of

i have rewoked the start of the turtleanimatn but want to rework even further the scenes at the moment feel a bit disjointed.

Mirror Sitting

A music animation thi has ben redevoped and worked on,alot to do with movment of background, changes in time.

WaterHole by stalking horses

Inspirede by my love of animals and the fact I onced dance, my love for music.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Marathon training 6/6/2012

Two days rest, which where great watching the Queen we do this  pomp stuff so very well. Repotted the plants, lettuce, tomatoes sunflowers, herbs.

Started the new food plan, As I said its just making small changes, I was looking bacl at other diet advise Steve has given me over the time training, it seems like I have moved slowly in developing and changing what I eat and this is possible better than actually a full blown we have to change everything. That way I make the changes and stick to them in my own time.

10 miles ran today it was very tough, I struggled to do this. Both motivation I wanted to stop and my fittness. Still its a good feeling I have done it and that is it until next week.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Marathon run 2 June 2012

Yesterday I completed the gym core, it was a good session all though not hard. I found I was working quietly and peacefully. Did the 8 times with a count of 10 abs exercise, sames with Planks. This is very intensive and Steve does have a name for it but I am not sure what. I followed this with side planks, other ab exercises, ball bridge, in between doing the versa and finally as all ways stretchs.

Added in balance work that was not that good, funny how your balance can be effected day by day.

Today is lower body work lots of squats will do that 10 squats 10 lunges, the circuit squats and lunges with cowbells and dropping medicine ball etc. That inside thigh machine and leg press. With of course the dear old versa, bike.

Than its rest day tomorrow and Tuesday.

I started the food plan, when I looked at it I though I am not far off , my eating since I started with Steve has changed quite a lot, and its not far off, I do not want to go mad I am not a top sportswoman just a little housewife, perhapes a very silly one, or stupid not sure. What ever just ordinary  so I do not want to go mad, just make chahges that will help me and I can keep up, any way I want to see how it makes me feel, healthier, good that is what is important. This morning I started these changes, I had egg not thee but two, and tomatoes and wholemeal. I feel quite light and good. Snack I have yougert and grapes. The cottage cheese and wholemeal toast is nice. The beef, and chicken and veg I already do.


Saturday, 2 June 2012

Marathon training log June 2

I have not really written anything on my log as I have been ill with a chest infection, that has set me back a bit. I could not run the Manchester 10 k this was a big disappointment as I was to meet the team of the rainbow childrens charity who I am running for.

The other day was really my first big training run since the Liverpool half marathon, it was raining but better than running in the heat and I cover 8.5 miles and got lost on the way following the diversions for the cars as the pavement was closed, not really knowing where I was going , hence the extra .5 of a mile. My next run will be on Wednesday and is 10 miles. So here I go I am not the fastest runner in the world, rather the slowest so it,s like a day trip as the miles are added on. I most get a Tee shirt from the Rainbow group as I spend so long on the open road its good promtion and raising awrness for them.

I have been very demotivated in my training in the gym, I seem to be doing the same thing over and over again by myself and I know I need to start to get in to shape, i have learnt that the body adaptes so constant change is needed. I have written out three programmes myself and I hope I will be ok.

So this week its core today, lower body strentgh on Sunday, rest Monday and Tues and run Wednesday. gym Thursday and so on.

Core will be a good helping of my PT 8 repeated exercise with a count of 20 for rest. This is pretty intense. Added to a balance regium and versa. All done in an inteveral. Mostly I have too admit that when I say I have written out my programm I have actually barrowed my PT exercises and anyway when I do see him I can say see I do them better. Not sure what he would think of my programms but I reackon I made a good attempt.

Yesterday was spin that was a killer, some women talk in this class I am not sure how I am always sweaty and out of breath and look like something the cat dragged in afterwords, well actually before too, just worse afterwords. They most be very fit I am guessing. I have lost a lot of weight this week surprising.

I had a big chat with my PT and I am doing a longside this some muscle stregth , buliding exercise , but its all in the diet so I have a new diet which I am starting today. I am not sure when we start the exercise part that is with Mr PT and I have no PT book next week. Very excited about this. But lets not lose sight of the real issue I am doing this for children.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Training Log - Marathon

I have not written in this much as I have been ill, chest infection knocked me right back.
But yesterday I ran 8 .5 miles, I was really pleased it was a good run. I have just told the ladies at the club so now it is about what I most do the two back to back marathons.