Sunday 22 April 2012

Log 22/4/2012

Today is my day for doing interval training my trainer tells me that this is a good way to burn calories and stress the body I think is what he means, surprise it.

I am doing core, planks and have some new exercises to practise, it has always been the way I work with him, learn new exercise and practise then till they are right. Then we move on.

So its core and some circuit work with cowbells and ball dropping and side lunges another circuit I learnt with my trainer with versa inbetween. Versa always kills but I can do 200 meters on it now per interval. about 5 x 200 meters and the great final the interval run .

I am not good on the treadmil, it makes me nervous I can not get over my fear that I am going to fall off. But I keep on trying.  thats only for 10 to 15 mins I hope. Walk for 1 min or 30 sec and then run at 7.0 will try to up this to 7.2 for 1 min to 30 secs. Than I good stretch.

This is my 2nd log for the liverpool marathon training. 

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