Monday, 23 April 2012

23/4/2012 Running LOg for Liverpool Marathon

6 miles completed, I feel good for doing it and pleased I did, my hamstring where pulling a bit but going at a slower pace and I got around.
 My hamstrings need stretching and strengthing, but so I can slowly build the miles up and my fittness.
Fitnness wise is was a good run. Anyway the hamstring issue I hope my trainer has the answer.

Running helps me think, today it was about the disapppointment of another job rejection, the job market is so poor with so many people going for just one job its so hard and I have little Kellie to consider. She is happy today they are doing painting in school and then she has street dance this evening. She is growing up for the first time yesterday she asked her hairdresser to style her hair, this is a change from my little tomboy up a tree can not be bother approach. Although when she got home she joined her friend up their favourite tree. So this afternoon it is work on the E_ BOOK animation for university.

Still no band come forward with a piece of music.

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