Friday, 24 August 2012

To My Daughter Slipping through fingures ABBA

Waking in the morning I wanted to show having fun at the breakfast table and than her sleepy in the morning just wakeing up. i want to see Brave this week with my daughter from the trailers I was not looking forward to this. But it is a very good movie, A most for mother and daughter to see together. Its about the relationship between a mother and daughter and what brings them together.

The other point from an Art History point is it takes the idea of Tangled a step forward by Disney the Hero is the Female a strong female gone are the Disney pretty Princess but A real girl. Tangled was the first real girl, but still we had the prince of sorts. Here the Princess id the Protegenist, she holds the story together and it is the Mother and daughter that in the end save the day. The mother and daughter are both strong characters. Its a great story and made daughter cried at the end.  

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