Monday, 31 October 2011

Other Works

Kes working on animation

 Free Back ground
30/10/2010 Music Video Working on background and developing idea of rabbitt, want it to be a big rabbitt hiding behine trees. Saw Rio the other day I want the rabbit is this to have emotion through the eyes so going to work on this. The eyes are the mirrors of our souls.

30/10/2010 looking to upload first idea of Micrsoft family animation, very excited about this, have completed this and know looking for feed back from tutors. So far it is the best work in animation I have done although there are errors, time and working on four people is quite difficult to do given the time. But still it has been a break through for me. I have used the idea of family , playing Kinect. Most ideas I think that come from with in work best as you can give a since of feeling. 


Sleeping Beauty E Book front cover completed

Sleeping beauty book cover idea completed, the background I did contemporary, Did not want to do a Disney done badly, the princes I kept as traditional, used my sister as I am idea. The Prince he came from a man I know who has had a big impact in my life, I like him but he is difficult and stubborn at times. He reminds me of a lion when he walks, stalks, not as bad his posture as it was this has improved, tall and strong.

Front Cover of E Books

Finished the three covers of the E books, and have the animations ideas completed, need this to be discussed with tutor and then rendered and up loaded.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Life time - Not completed yet

Life time is not finished, but it represents time, Stone H , the owl all carry time. The child with mother, to playing as kids , to adult dancing and so it will go on.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Ide for Com


Looking at doing the comp for an advert this is something new for me. The Microsoft family time with tech.
This I can use my daughter but just need to find the idea. Spoke to Mathew and he sujested look at poetry a book take a sentence use this as inspiration.

run Women

This is a piece of practise work, that was insprired by my training for the marathon. I wanted a feeling of the freedom you get from running, running through the woods , springing from land mark to land mark. I kind of freedom from todays modern world.

Friday, 7 October 2011

2" Animation backgrounds to E - Books

 For The The Roman Eagle book by Simon Sparrow,  Twi ideas for the front cover. First one Soliders waiting to go in to battle.

The 2nd book Soliders waiting again , but features are more on the  men carrying the flags.  
 The first book is THE ORacle, it has an ancient feel, I wanted to try to create a heat feeling, a glaze background
In Sleeping Beauty we always have this perfect castle all in tacked. Yes there is a spell but I wanted it more real, if  a building is left alone for years then nature will reclaim that land, and what man makes falls down this then is the background.  Also I did not want to do a re make of disney done badly.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

 6/10/2011 -Spent the morning checking out publishers, uploading Videos anf d linking Vemo, to Twitter account. Found some Twitter contacts. Emailed publishers looking to do a book in Jan as an illustration/animation for E Book.

Vimeo account